Why turning 30 is awesome!

I am 30 today!

The thing I  have been looking forward since my 29th birthday is my 30th birthday. It might sound crazy, but there is so much to it than a number.

I don’t understand when people say turning 30 is getting old. Bullshit, I feel I am wiser than I was in my early 20s. It feels so liberating, I know my priorities, what is important to life and what should and should not break my heart.


Why I think turning 30 is awesome!!


You accept who you are

I have learnt many life lessons good and bad in easy and not so easy way, which only helped me to understand myself better and accept what I am. I don’t try to please anyone anymore because I know it won’t last.

You start to think about getting fit and not just losing weight.

All my 20s I only thought about losing weight, I still ate the wrong food and wanted to lose weight. The last 1 year, I retrospected the whole process and now I have a better understanding of food and fitness. I now know what my process is going to be for the next 10 years.

Better at decision making

All the experiences in the last 30 years has helped me to know what my priorities are. Decision making is solely by me, I know what I want and don’t want.

You know your friends:

I have fewer friends now than I used to 5years ago. I think you realise who you really need in your life and learn to distance yourself from those who do not contribute constructively.

You don’t worry for everything

I used to be so sensitive and take things so personally. At this age, I know better and not everything is about me. Now I worry less and am more open to problems, think what are the next steps rather. “this too shall pass” is my mantra and actually is true. I have seen every situation I have worried have gone past me and still I am here all fine.

You’re wiser than you were in your twenties :

I feel more responsible person now, I know my words and actions have consequences. I choose to be wise ( WIP  :P) I am sure it can’t happen just in one day, but all the crap that I have gone through this journey has definitely take a good toll on me. When I look back my early twenties I know what a sucker I was( thinking I was too cool)

You are not afraid to speak out

I feel more comfortable being me which makes life easy. If I don’t want to do a thing I can now speak out in a more acceptable way and move out of the place.

You know your limits.

All the life learnings definitely show what your limits are. Don’t poke your nose into others business is well learnt by this time.

You don’t give a f*** to drama

By this age you are so done with the drama and peer pressure. I am so so so done, if the relationship is toxic, MOVE OUT 😀


Saying all that , my 20s weren’t that bad actually. Its been like a tunnel to where I am now. It has helped to shape me as a better person ( some of the chiselling was quite hard though 😛  )  But I am super sure that my 30s are going to be rock and roll! I am so excited and so looking forward for the great years that I have yet to see!



– Sandhya


1 thought on “Why turning 30 is awesome!”

  1. Heh gal, a matured write up. Echoes lot of things what’s been running through me… Very happy to read it..:):):) Late realization for me in deed..:):)


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